Aquaponics Digest - Fri 06/02/00

Message   1: Re: greenhouse warming
             from AMOR7581

Message   2: RE: greenhouse warming
             from "Angela O." 

Message   3: Re :EC info
             from (LABERGE MARC)

Message   4: Damping Off Diseases in lettuce
             from (LABERGE MARC)

Message   5: Re: Re :EC info
             from Bertmcl

Message   6: Re: Damping Off Diseases in lettuce
             from William Evans 

Message   7: Re: greenhouse warming
             from Robert Jones 

Message   8: Re : Damping Off Disease
             from (LABERGE MARC)

Message   9: Re: Re : Damping Off Disease
             from William Evans 

Message  10: Re : Damping Off disease
             from (LABERGE MARC)

Message  11: Re: Re : Damping Off disease
             from William Evans 

Message  12: red claw warming
             from "timjohanns" 

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| Message 1                                                           |
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Subject: Re: greenhouse warming
From:    AMOR7581
Date:    Fri, 2 Jun 2000 01:37:27 EDT


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| Message 2                                                           |
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Subject: RE: greenhouse warming
From:    "Angela O." 
Date:    Thu, 1 Jun 2000 23:57:30 -0700

Hi ya,

  Wondering about your plans for keeping water temp Up for your red claws during the winter.
Dont they die below 50 degF ?

  If your tanks are in contact with your cement slab seems like will be constant battle to
offset heat loss to the slab.  but I may have missed a post or two, and maybe you already have
this taken care of.


>From: "timjohanns" 
>To: "post" 
>Subject: greenhouse warming
>Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 23:34:54 -0700
>I can't utilize barrels as legs for the biobeds, as I intend to use this
>space for 4 x 8' x 1' grow-out tanks for my Red Claws, the females are all
>berried now, and these will be breeders in a year, my contracts are not set
>in stone and I have back-ups. The lobster don't care if they have excessive
>light, they just need gravel and onion sacks to hide in, I'm primarily
>interested in diversifying my palate, as well as, my market offerings in the
>event the commercial venture is feasible. I do have a wood fired boiler and
>intend to use this in the future.

R.  Oliver

You to can have an email account at

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| Message 3                                                           |
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Subject: Re :EC info
Date:    Fri, 2 Jun 2000 03:56:41 -0400

Hi Bert ,
    I'm working with rainbow trout and hopefully can switch to speckled
trout ( brook trout ) very soon ; they are the higher market fish up here in
Quebec , yet are extremely sensitive fish.
In commercial operations for trout , densities hit ~55 Kg / m3
( 3.4 lbs. / CF I believe ), at the moment I'm at 30 Kg / m3 ( 1.9 ).

I'm working with 57 grams per feed per square meter ( taken from UVI for
Tilapia ).

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| Message 4                                                           |
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Subject: Damping Off Diseases in lettuce
Date:    Fri, 2 Jun 2000 04:06:04 -0400

Although a plant specialist I am not , I do believe I have this disease. Can
anyone recommend a fungicide which will not harm the fish
( trout in my case ). I am working with Boston lettuce in a raft system.

Marc Laberge
Mont Tremblant
Quebec , Canada

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| Message 5                                                           |
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Subject: Re: Re :EC info
From:    Bertmcl
Date:    Fri, 2 Jun 2000 08:23:21 EDT

Thanks for your help.


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| Message 6                                                           |
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Subject: Re: Damping Off Diseases in lettuce
From:    William Evans 
Date:    Fri, 02 Jun 2000 08:24:04 -0700

> Although a plant specialist I am not , I do believe I have this disease. Can
> anyone recommend a fungicide which will not harm the fish
> ( trout in my case ). I am working with Boston lettuce in a raft system.
> Marc Laberge
> Mont Tremblant
> Quebec , Canada

An alternate approach would be to boost the strength of the plant w/ a
good kelp foliar, or aerobically "brewed" compost tea, instead of trying
to directly inhibit the damping off. I should think this to be very
safe, not affecting your water chemistry to any great extent, as long as
the foliage gets dosed, and not the water...even  if, dont see the harm.

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| Message 7                                                           |
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Subject: Re: greenhouse warming
From:    Robert Jones 
Date:    Fri, 02 Jun 2000 10:11:21 -0500

Are Red Claws fresh water lobsters or crawdad's?

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| Message 8                                                           |
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Subject: Re : Damping Off Disease
Date:    Fri, 2 Jun 2000 13:39:02 -0400

Bill , I like the sound of an alternative approach ; I am not too crazy
about using any fungicides. I am not sure I understand though ; if I spray
the foliage with liquid fish slurry won't this burn the leaves ?

Marc Laberge

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| Message 9                                                           |
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Subject: Re: Re : Damping Off Disease
From:    William Evans 
Date:    Fri, 02 Jun 2000 11:11:26 -0700

> Bill , I like the sound of an alternative approach ; I am not too crazy
> about using any fungicides. I am not sure I understand though ; if I spray
> the foliage with liquid fish slurry won't this burn the leaves ?
> Marc Laberge

who said anything about fish?

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| Message 10                                                          |
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Subject: Re : Damping Off disease
Date:    Fri, 2 Jun 2000 16:58:22 -0400

O k , so I am completely off track , sorry I guess I misunderstood. What
exactly is a brewed compost , as I mentioned I am no plant expert . I did
find a product called "dampoff " but it did not talk about how long you must
wait before consuming the lettuce so I did not want to buy it. Can you
explain to me in simple terms how to fix my problem.

Much Appreciated Bill

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| Message 11                                                          |
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Subject: Re: Re : Damping Off disease
From:    William Evans 
Date:    Fri, 02 Jun 2000 14:25:44 -0700

L What
> exactly is a brewed compost .....
Ok get a source of good earthy compost...that's pretty subjective I
know,but that's the best descriptive I can use "earthy" to describe..
shoulld smell like well rotted leaf mopld I guess" sweet"...anyway put a
shovel or so into a mesh bag suspended in a trashcan of water. Use a
sump pump to recirc this "tea"....the water being pumped back in should
splash tha surfa ce- in effect, aerating it. This is important... SOme
folks have had sucess w/ compost tea w/o the aeration, but,,,

Anyway the idea is to use the tea to " innoculate" the surfaces of the
plants... This coating of " good guys' then fends off the " bad guys".
THese folks specialize in compost tea
lots to learn
good luck 
bill e
who says you can make your own w/o any great expense

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| Message 12                                                          |
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Subject: red claw warming
From:    "timjohanns" 
Date:    Fri, 2 Jun 2000 22:52:28 -0700

I'm sorry, you must have missed one of the last posts on the solar / radiant
design. My intent is to leave pipe connections up thru my thermal mass to
hook undergravel heating grids in ea. tank run off the same system with
control via valve. The red claws tanks will be under the bio beds, but off
the floor to facilitate labor, ie. my back :)

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