Aquaponics Digest - Wed 05/12/99

Message   1: Fwd. Marine Plants in Aquaponic Systems

             from S & S Aqua Farm 

Message   2: Re: Fish identification

             from Gordon Watkins 

Message   3: Re: Mustard-and-cress and other greens varieties

             from "vpage" 

Message   4: Re: zebra mussels

             from "A Pilling" 

Message   5: Re: Tilapia in Philly...


Message   6: Who is buying live Tilapia?

             from LHaver1038

Message   7: Re: Fish identification

             from "Mohamed Elshayal" 

Message   8: Re: Fish identification

             from "Mohamed Elshayal" 

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| Message 1                                                           |

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Subject: Fwd. Marine Plants in Aquaponic Systems

From:    S & S Aqua Farm 

Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 09:17:45 -0500

Following is an inquiry from our friend Richard Ying Ji who has left the

list for a short time to travel to China.  Does anyone have information that

might help him?  I'll be forwarding any responses to him.   Paula


>Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 17:18:13 -0500

>From: "Ying Ji" 


>Subject: Marine Plants in Aquaponic Systems


>I am writing to you from China. (Isn't this technology wonderful?

>Electronically speaking, we aren't any further away than when I was in

>Minnesota, just a button click away.)  


>There is some interest here on aquaponics.  The folks I am working

>with are primarily working with Marine water.  Do you know of any

>marine plant species that have been successfully used in aquaponics? 

>Or do you know anybody on the coasts who are doing aquaponics with

>salt water?

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| Message 2                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Fish identification

From:    Gordon Watkins 

Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 10:02:21 -0500

Thanks for the info Sam. That's exactly what I needed to know. Do you know if

Denis can be raised in brackish water? BTW, where is "here"?

    These species as well as tilapia are being considered for a prototype

aquaculture system using brackish groundwater. I'm trying to determine if

aquaponics would be feasible.

                Gordon Watkins

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| Message 3                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Mustard-and-cress and other greens varieties

From:    "vpage" 

Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 09:09:11 -0600


I found the watercress that I wanted at the store and rooted it in the

aquaponic section of the greenhouse. I was overrun in a few weeks. Mustard

greens would grow the same way.

My Thai basil I took home after an especially tasty meal.  True,I don't know

the type but they have passed the taste test:}


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| Message 4                                                           |

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Subject: Re: zebra mussels

From:    "A Pilling" 

Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 09:37:51 -0600

Does anyone know if Zebra mussels are the creatures that have done so much

damage in the Great Lakes? If so , they where carried through the St.

Lawrence seaway and locks on the hulls of and in the ballast water of cargo

ships. They found a nice envoronment to grow and no natural predators. They

have caused huge amounts of damage environmentally and economically to

communites along the shore. If these are the same pesky creatures, it would

warrent checking into how the seed spreads and how to safely contain them.

Anyone know anything about this?

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| Message 5                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Tilapia in Philly...


Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 12:04:50 -0400

Scott: Could you tell us about your project in downtown Philly?

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| Message 6                                                           |

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Subject: Who is buying live Tilapia?

From:    LHaver1038

Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 16:49:27 EDT

I was hoping someone could tell me who is buying live Tilapia in the 

Philadelphia/Baltimore/Washington D.C   metropolitan area.


                        Thank you


                                        Lance Haver

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| Message 7                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Fish identification

From:    "Mohamed Elshayal" 

Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 14:26:02 PDT


In north Africa such as in Egypt, people use word Denis to call the sea 

bream fish. It is usually a slat water fish.



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| Message 8                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Fish identification

From:    "Mohamed Elshayal" 

Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 15:03:33 PDT


Buri and Denis names are used in Egypt

Buri is the Grey mullet(Mugil auratus) , striped mullet (Mugil cephalus)

It is a salt water fish, but can grow very well in fresh water, but it will 

not re-produce in the fresh water. It lives in the bottom , and can eat 

other fish wast. It has long shap. Very sensitive for handling.

I culture buri in fresh water earth pond in Egypt. and It does not need a 

lot of experiance.

Denis is the Sea bream (S. aurata)

It is a salt water fish. It is a high priced species in North Africa.

Most of its yield comes from the sea fishing.

A lot of farm failed to culture denis economically because

- The competion with the open sea wild yield

- High cost of its required high protien diet.


Mohamed Elshayal

S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124

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