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Dale M. Gray is the president of Frontier Historical Consultants. Frontier Status reports are a free weekly annotated index chronicling the progress of the emerging "space frontier".

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About: Dale Gray

Understanding the Frontier

Space Launch Initiative
Frontier Processes at Work

Current Space Development as a Manifestation of Historic Frontier Processes

Why has the U. S. State Department Declared War on the American Satellite Industry?

Congress is Closing The Wrong Barn Door

Intelligent Life in Washington

Wither Iridium?

High Flight from the High Country

Robotic Spacecraft: Loaded for Bear or Barely Loaded?

Wanted: Freedom

Go Web, Young Man!

"Why", asked the Mad Hatter, "is a raven like a writing desk?"

Forging Plowshares into Spears

Amateur Rocketry Takes Flight

Why Compton Had to Die

The New Frontier

Previous postings are archived at:FSR Archive and

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"Space Launch Initiative: Frontier Processes at Work" AIAA Conference 2000, Long Beach, California. September 20, 2000.

"Amateur Rocketry Takes Flight" Artemis Magazine, Issue #3, Autumn 2000.

International Space Station Teleconference, NASA. Featured in a pre-recorded segment comparing the space station with the historic frontier, January 2000.

"Human Motivation as a Prime Factor in the Current Space-based Frontier", Space Policy Journal, Kidlington, Oxford, England, August 1999.

"Current Space Development as a Manifestation of Historic Frontier Processes" Presented at the 49th International Astronautical Congress, Melbourne, Australia. September 28, 1998. Recommended for publication.

Staff editorial Writer for Space Policy Digest (on-line). March 1999-Sept 2000.


"Frontier Processes and Space Resource Utilization", US Space Policy Course, Colorado State University. November 6, 2000.

"Current Space Development and Frontier Processes" Open campus Space Forum, Colorado State University. November 7, 2000.

"The Implication of Historic Frontier Processes on the Establishment of Future Space-based Mineral Extraction", Space Resources Round Table, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. November 9, 2000.

"Space as a Frontier -- a Comparison to Historic Frontiers", Keynote Speaker, Space Awareness Week, Embry Riddle University, Daytona Beach, Florida. November 13. 2000.

Other work:

Lobbied with ProSpace in Washington, D. C. 1998-2000. Briefed Senator John Glenn's office in 1998. Part of team that briefed the White House 2000.


Two different writers have written about the frontier model as presented at the Space Resources Roundtable: and the Denver Business Journal.


I rated with RSAC

Sunday, 28-Oct-2001 20:12:47 EST